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Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Systems and Applications
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Impact Factor 2023: 0.9
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Prof. Kin C. Yow
University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I'm delighted to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of
Journal of Advances in Information Technology
is intended to reflect new directions of research and report latest advances in information technology. I will do my best to increase the prestige of the journal.
What's New
All the 141 papers published in JAIT in 2024 have been indexed by Scopus.
JAIT Vol. 16, No. 1 has been published online!
JAIT received the CiteScore 2023 with 4.2, ranked #169/394 in Category Computer Science: Information Systems, #174/395 in Category Computer Science: Computer Networks and Communications, #226/350 in Category Computer Science: Computer Science Applications
Published Issues
Monitoring and Controlling of a Real-Time Ball Beam Fuzzy Predicting Based on PLC Network and Information Technologies
Contribution on the Control of Mixed Constrained Discrete Event Systems for a Flexible Workshop Application
Patient-Ventilator Asynchrony Detection via Similarity Search Methods
Balanced Weight Joint Geometrical and Statistical Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Government Construction Project Budget Prediction Using Machine Learning
Performance of Machine Learning Techniques in Anomaly Detection with Basic Feature Selection Strategy - A Network Intrusion Detection System
Robust Blind Medical Image Watermarking Using Quantization and SIFT with Enhanced Security
Journeyfy: An Android-Based Mobile Application Utilizing Persuasive Technology for Assisting in Vice Cessation
Data Driven Decision Analysis on the Performance of Electronic Companies with TOPSIS Model
Mental Health Analyzer for Depression Detection Based on Textual Analysis
AI-Powered University: Design and Deployment of Robot Assistant for Smart Universities
Privacy, Security and Policies of the Semantic Web: A Review
An Optimized Neural Network Using Genetic Algorithm for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction
Production Capacity Prediction of Thyristor Based on Fuzzy Neural Network
Real Time Audio-Based Distress Signal Detection as Vital Signs of Myocardial Infarction Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Implementation of Real Time Data Collection Process Automation Control Using IIoT Applications
A New Framework for Analyzing News in the Financial Markets to Enhance the Investor’s Perception
Multimodal Wearable Sensing for Sport-Related Activity Recognition Using Deep Learning Networks
Reinforcement Learning Based Offloading Framework for Computation Service in the Edge Cloud and Core Cloud
Step-by-Step Acquisition of Cooperative Behavior in Soccer Task
The Comparison of Techniques for Estimating and Measuring the Movement Time of the Right Thumb in a Curve on a Smartphone Based on Fitt’s Law
Detection and Identification with Analysis of Carica papaya Leaf Using Android
Performance Evaluation of Sentiment Analysis on Text and Emoji Data Using End-to-End, Transfer Learning, Distributed and Explainable AI Models
CrowdSurge: A Crowd Density Monitoring Solution Using Smart Video Surveillance with Security Vulnerability Assessment
Increasing Accessibility of Language Models with Multi-stage Information Extraction
Fast Data-Centric Optimization of Nonlinear Dynamic Flows on Network System Suited for Big-Data and Extreme Computing
AI Based Cancer Detection Models Using Primary Care Datasets
Towards Building a Facial Identification System Using Quantum Machine Learning Techniques
Integrating Dependability Concepts while Selecting Cloud Service for Big Data
Automating Smart Contract Generation on Blockchains Using Multi-modal Modeling
Analysis of fMRI Time Series: Neutrosophic-Entropy Based Clustering Algorithm
A Psychotherapy Telemedicine System Using Sensory Substitution Feature for Audio-Based Interventions with Security Posture Evaluation
Content-Based Image Retrieval Using AutoEmbedder
Bipartite Graphs and Recommendation Systems
The Local Branching as a Learning Strategy in the Evolutionary Algorithm: The Case of the Set-Union Knapsack Problem
Is It Possible to Distinguish COVID-19 Cases and Influenza with Wearable Devices? Analysis with Machine Learning
Decision Trees Based Performance Analysis for Influence of Sensitizers Characteristics in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Methodology for Hydroelectric Potential Evaluation in High Jungle Area with Scarce Topographic and Hydrological Information Using GIS and Algorithm MATLAB
Workload Prediction Using VMD and TCN in Cloud Computing
The Use of Confidence Indicating Prediction Score in Online Signature Verification
Structured Pruning for Deep Neural Networks with Adaptive Pruning Rate Derivation Based on Connection Sensitivity and Loss Function
Fast and Efficient Feature Selection Method Using Bivariate Copulas
A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the Sequencing m-Vector Bin Packing Problem
Development a Model of a Network Attack Detection in Information and Communication Systems
A Low-Cost Distributed Network for Crop Growth Optimisation in Plant Factories
Random Forest with Transfer Learning: An Application to Vehicle Valuation
Automatic Selection of Key Points for 3D-Face Deformation
Proposals for Addressing Research Gaps at the Intersection of Data Analytics and Supply Chain Management
Application and Adjustment of “don't care” Values in t-way Testing Techniques for Generating an Optimal Test Suite
A Systematic Literature Review of Multi-agent Pathfinding for Maze Research
IoT-Based Obstacle Detection System for Visually Impaired Person with Smartphone Module
Optimization of Artificial Landscapes with a Hybridized Firefly Algorithm
Brain-Computer Interface Using fNIRS Waveforms when Recalling the Experience of Eating Savory and Spicy Instant Noodle
Novel Shared Input Based LSTM for Semantic Similarity Prediction
Deep Learning System Based on the Separation of Audio Sources to Obtain the Transcription of a Conversation
Text to Speech Synthesis: A Systematic Review, Deep Learning Based Architecture and Future Research Direction
Multi-view Deep CNN for Automated Target Recognition and Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Image
Self-Adaptable Infrastructure Management for Analyzing the Efficiency of Big Data Stores
A Reversible Data Hiding through Encryption Scheme for Medical Image Transmission Using AES Encryption with Key Scrambling
Road Scene Data Annotation with Semi-Automated Active Learning Framework for Convolutional Neural Networks
A Predictive Model for Depression Risk in Thai Youth during COVID-19
GAAINet: A Generative Adversarial Artificial Immune Network Model for Intrusion Detection in Industrial IoT Systems
Proposal for Determining the Calibration Fixation Points for Achieving High-Precision Gaze Estimation with a Pupil Imaging Camera Installed at the Side of an Eye
ExtraImpute: A Novel Machine Learning Method for Missing Data Imputation
UAV Pilot Status Identification Algorithm Using Image Recognition and Biosignals
Effect of Features Extraction Techniques on Cyberstalking Detection Using Machine Learning Framework
An Integrated Crowdsourcing Application for Embedded Smartphone Sensor Data Acquisition and Mobility Analysis
Parameter and Hyperparameter Optimisation of Deep Neural Network Model for Personalised Predictions of Asthma
Social Media Fake Profile Detection Using Data Mining Technique
Statistic Approached Dynamically Detecting Security Threats and Updating a Signature-Based Intrusion Detection System’s Database in NGN
COVID-19 Infection Prediction Using Efficient Machine Learning Techniques Based on Clinical Data
An Adaptive Model Averaging Procedure for Federated Learning (AdaFed)
Frequent Block Access Pattern-Based Replication Algorithm for Improving the Performance of Cloud Storage Systems
N-gram and Word2Vec Feature Engineering Approaches for Spam Recognition on Some Influential Twitter Topics in Saudi Arabia
IoT-Based Garbage Container System Using NodeMCU ESP32 Microcontroller
A Noun-Centric Keyphrase Extraction Model: Graph-Based Approach
iGlass: Mobile Application for Self-Eye Assessments
Improving Operational Processes for COVID-19 Ready Smart Campus
Prediction of Stroke Disease Using Deep CNN Based Approach
Implementation of Enhanced Data Integrity Algorithm in Cloud Computing
Dark Web Text Classification by Learning through SVM Optimization
The Design and Implementation of a Dashboard Web-Based Service Management Operations
A Noval Method for Cloud Security and Privacy Using Homomorphic Encryption Based on Facial Key Templates
Effective Crude Oil Trading Techniques Using Long Short-Term Memory and Convolution Neural Networks
Detection of Fake News Using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing Algorithms
System Analysis and Design of Patient Information System Using Design Thinking Methodology