Home > Published Issues > 2022 > Volume 13, No. 6, December 2022 >
JAIT 2022 Vol.13(6): 638-644
doi: 10.12720/jait.13.6.638-644

A Noval Method for Cloud Security and Privacy Using Homomorphic Encryption Based on Facial Key Templates

Tadi Chandrasekhar 1 and Sumanth Kumar 2
1. ECE Department, ISTS Women’s Engineering College, Rajahmundry, India
2. ECE Department, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, India

Abstract—In the technology era, data is the key aspect, and securing the data is also an important task as many of the utilizers' presence online is on an incremental trend. There is a sustainable requirement to indulge the security procedures to secure the vulnerable data within cloud computing. In this regard, facial recognition is the latest technological trend in the field of biometrics and it is regarded as a fast processing technique that is available in computing devices as well as on mobile devices. The cloud computing services that include Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are utilizing different types of encryption techniques to include the aspect of privacy. The present method deploys a methodology that furnishes facial authentication and the generation of facial keys for the protection of data. The cloud mechanism is processed by facial features for authorization and authentication. The facial templates database is furnished for cloud encryption of each file that is integrated into the core algorithm of the method and the facial key is compared with the templates of the face data and later it is encrypted. The observed outcome of the study furnished a methodology that can guarantee that the information of the cloud user and the reclusive identification of the person is secured. In this study, the creation of a double abstraction methodology is performed to assure data protection on a cloud computing platform by utilizing facial templates as an important aspect of the process of encryption. The outcomes of the study show superior aspects to the state-of-art techniques. 
Index Terms—facial recognition, bio-metrics, securing, cloud mechanism, facial template, key features & CNN 
Cite: Tadi Chandrasekhar and Sumanth Kumar, "A Noval Method for Cloud Security and Privacy Using Homomorphic Encryption Based on Facial Key Templates," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 638-644, December 2022.

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