Abstract—In recent years the size of computing machines has decreased with more power of computing, which helped to develop the concept of mobile computing like laptops, PDAs, cell phones, data storage device, and other mobile devices. Most people begin acquisition these devices because of the nature and advantages such as easy of carrying and moving it from place to place. Although the wide spread and popularity of these devices, it has introduced new security threats which were not existing in the traditional computing, and it should be identified to protect the physical devices and the sensitive information of users. In this paper, we will highlight on some of the security issues related to mobile computing systems in order to avoid or reduce them, with addressing the security issues into two aspects: first is related to transmission of information over wireless networks, and the second is related to information residing on mobile devices. Finally, some security techniques and requirements are presented. Index Terms—mobile computing, security issues, security requirements Cite: Enaam Faihan Alotaibi, Adnan Mustafa AlBar, and Md. Rakibul Hoque, "Mobile Computing Security: Issues and Requirements," Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 8-12, February, 2016. doi: 10.12720/jait.7.1.8-12