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Internet of Things (IoT) in Smart Systems and Applications
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1798-2340 (Online)
ESCI (Web of Science)
Acceptance Rate:
1000 USD
Average Days to Accept:
87 days
Journal Metrics:
Impact Factor 2023: 0.9
57th percentile
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Prof. Kin C. Yow
University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I'm delighted to serve as the Editor-in-Chief of
Journal of Advances in Information Technology
is intended to reflect new directions of research and report latest advances in information technology. I will do my best to increase the prestige of the journal.
What's New
All the 141 papers published in JAIT in 2024 have been indexed by Scopus.
JAIT Vol. 16, No. 1 has been published online!
JAIT received the CiteScore 2023 with 4.2, ranked #169/394 in Category Computer Science: Information Systems, #174/395 in Category Computer Science: Computer Networks and Communications, #226/350 in Category Computer Science: Computer Science Applications
Further Information
1. How to submit my research paper? What’s the process of publication of my paper?
The journal receives submitted manuscripts via
online submission system
. Please submit your research paper in
You’ll be given a paper number if your submission is successful. Your paper then will undergo peer review process, which may take approximately one and a half months under normal circumstances, three tops.
After blind peer review, you will receive the notification letter with the review result of your paper. If your paper gets accepted, then you may have your paper published by following the instructions in the notification letter and paying the publication fee.
2. Can I submit an abstract?
The journal publishes full research papers. So only full paper submission should be considered for possible publication. Papers with insufficient content may be rejected as well, make sure your paper is sufficient enough to be published.
3. Should I revise the paper as your journal template before submission?
Yes. You’re supposed to format your paper first by following the template paper before submission. Submitted papers which are obviously not in accordance with the template of the journal will not be considered for possible publication.
4. Is there a submission deadline for the upcoming issue?
Technically, the submission deadline should be three months before the publishing date of the upcoming issue. And the accurate publishing date depends on the current publishing schedule and boils down to the time you have been waiting for.
5. Does your journal provide English language support? Will the editors help to revise the paper if my English writing is not good enough?
Manuscripts that are accepted for publication will be checked by our editors for spelling and formal style. This may not be sufficient if English is not your native language and substantial editing would be required. In that case, you may want to have your manuscript edited by a native speaker prior to submission. A clear and concise language will help editors and reviewers concentrate on the scientific content of your paper and thus smooth the peer review process.
6. How long will the review process take?
The journal performs peer blind review, which also has an efficient peer review and production process to facilitate rapid publication. Normally, submitted manuscripts will be reviewed within two months of submission. You’ll be informed of the review result once the review process is over.
7. What is the impact factor of your journal? Will it be indexed by SCI?
For now, the journal doesn’t have an impact factor yet, since it’s indexed by Web of Science (ESCI) in 2022. The journal will be put forward to all relevant abstracting and indexing services, like Scopus (Since 2020), EBSCO, Google Scholar, CNKI,
8. How much do you charge for publishing? Is there any discount or free waiver provided to the authors?
charges article processing charge to offset expenses associated with the overall journal operations, publishing, and website maintenance. Each accepted paper will be charged 450 USD. Discounts are given to journal reviewers.