Abstract—Nowadays, conducting retail activities through the use of mobile devices are very common among the internet entrepreneurs or cyberpreneurs in Malaysia. The emergence of various mobile applications especially social media apps have boosted the buying and selling activities due to the increasing number of mobile device users. Clothes are one of the most popular products that are being sold via Internet. Besides social media channels, textile cyberpreneurs in Malaysia use websites and m-retail applications like mobile marketplace applications that utilize cloud services for conducting online business. Determining the intention to use m-shopping services among the consumers was usually conducted in previous researches, but investigating the issue from retailerˇs perspective was rarely done. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the factors that affect the intention to use cloud-based m-retail application among textile cyberpreneurs for better understanding by integrating Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour (DTPB) with Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Task Technology Fit (TTF) and Information System Success (ISS) models. Modelling the right factors may result in future enhancements on the current m-retail applications in m-commerce context based on the requirements of textile cyberpreneurs. This study can be used as a platform in understanding the needs of textile cyberpreneurs in Malaysia to adopt cloud-based m-retail application.