Abstract—As distance learning services are becoming increasingly popular and necessary services for effective learning methods, various well-formatted multimedia contents can be integrated into various learning contents. And a large number of learners log in e-learning system at the same time and need various learning guidance. Thus e-learning service needs automated and intelligent Tutoring Engine that can infer needs of each learner and deliver personalized appropriate learning contents with learning characteristics and personal learning devices environment. In this paper, we design u-learning service with automated Tutoring Engine. Proposed u-learning system has automated tutoring engine that could lighten the burden of teachers and instructors and deliver appropriate personal learning contents. Automated tutoring engine can analyse learner’s learning information and extract demands and needs of learners. From the learning demands and needs, personalized learning contents can be modified from source of learning contents. Personalized learning contents can stimulate learning motivation. Index Terms—u-learning, automated Tutoring Engine, personalization of learning contents, adaptation of learning contents, educational devices. Cite: Kwang Sik Chung, "Design of Intelligent Tutoring Engine for U-Learning Service," Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 75-79, May, 2015. doi:10.12720/jait.6.2.75-79