Abstract—This paper reports how the Venn diagram can be used to effectively explore and visualize search results using keywords of academic citations. By using a familiar and intuitive diagram for set relations, the results could provide not only the retrieval of a document, but also context for its relevance to the search. This work focuses on the searching of citation indexes due to availability of accurate and descriptive keywords. This work includes a proposal for the retrieval process as well as a prototype for searching using a limited dataset. This is a “work-in-progress” paper that will provide a limited implementation and a framework for evaluation. Index Terms— visualization, information retrieval, search Cite: John W. Burris, "Visualizing Keyword Searches Using the Venn Diagram," Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 67-70, May, 2015. doi:10.12720/jait.6.2.67-70