Quick Link: 1. Submission Checklist 2. Submission Process 3. Manuscript Preparation
1. Submission Checklist
● Please read the Aims & Scope to assess whether your manuscript is suitable for Journal of Advances in Information Technology: ● Download the Microsoft Word template to prepare your manuscript; ● Make sure that issues about publication ethics, research ethics, copyright, authorship, etc. have been appropriately considered; ● Ensure that all authors have approved the content of the submitted manuscript.
2. Submission Process
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full research or review papers via OJS online submission system. Only word document (.doc) is accepted in the submission stage, please note that figures and tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number of appearance. The submitting author, who is generally the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and peer-review process. The submitting author must ensure that all eligible co-authors have been included in the author list and that they have all read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript. When a manuscript is submitted, the corresponding author will receive a response within a few days regarding the suitability of the manuscript for publication in JAIT. All manuscripts passed desk check will be sent to peer review, and the final acceptance/rejection depends on both reviewers and academic editor's decision.
3. Manuscript Preparation
3.1. Types of Publications
The following article types are applied: • Article: The journal considers all original research manuscripts provided that the work reports scientifically sound experiments and provides a substantial amount of new information. • Review: These provide concise and precise updates on the latest progress made in a given area of research. 3.2. Length of the paper
Normally, articles should be at least 5 pages excluding references. 3.3. Front page
Title:A title should adequately “flag” the content of the paper, and should be concise, specific, and relevant. The potentially interested experts want to decide from the title whether or not they spend time reading the paper, so the precise wording used in the title is very important and deserves proper attention. Please do not include abbreviated or short forms of the title, such as a running title or head. Author List and Affiliations:Authors’ full first and last names must be provided. The initials of middle names can be added. All names are listed together and separated by commas. Provide exact and correct author names as this may influence the indexing. Affiliations should be keyed to the author's name with superscript numbers and be listed as follows: Institute or Department, Faculty, University, City, State abbreviation (only for United States, Canada, and Australia), and Country. At least one author should be designated as corresponding author, and his or her email address and other details should be included at the end of the affiliation section. Abstract: A good abstract is a stand-alone summary of the paper, and should summarize the key components of the manuscript. Generally, the abstract should be concise and informative within 150-250 words. As an abstract is a separate section, it should be a self-containing text (no abbreviations, no references, no URLs, no undefined concepts, etc.). For research articles, abstracts should give a pertinent overview of the work. We strongly encourage authors to use the following style of structured abstracts, but without headings: (1) Background: Place the question addressed in a broad context (research background) and highlight the purpose of the study; (2) Methods: Describe briefly the main methods or treatments applied; (3) Results: Summarize the article's main findings; and (4) Conclusions: Indicate the main conclusions or interpretations. Keywords: All article types require 3-10 keywords.
3.4. Main Text
Introduction: A well-written introduction will provide your study with a context and prompt the readers to read the rest of your paper. This section should briefly place the study in a broad context and highlight why it is important. It should define the purpose of the work and its significance. In this section, authors should briefly highlight the main developments of their research topic and identify the main gaps that need to be addressed. In other words, this section should give an overview of your study. The section should be organized as: What is known about the broad topic? What are the gaps or missing links that need to be addressed? What is the significance of addressing those gaps? The introduction should provide general information about the topic of your research and emphasize the main aims of the study. Please ensure that you only discuss the main and relevant aspects of the studies that have led to your aims. Do not elaborate on them as this should be done in the literature review section. Literature Review:This section basically supports the background section by providing evidence for the proposed hypothesis. This section should be more comprehensive and thoroughly describe all the studies that you have mentioned in the background section. It should also elaborate on all studies that form evidence for the present study and discuss the current trends. To write this section, you will need to do a thorough literature search on different studies that relate to the broad topic of your research. This will introduce the readers to the area of your research. It would be ideal to organize them thematically and discuss them chronologically so that readers are aware of the evolution and progress in the field. In other words, separate themes should be discussed chronologically to highlight how research in those fields has progressed over time. This will highlight what has been done and what are the future directions that need to be worked upon. Materials and Methods:They should be described with sufficient detail to allow others to replicate and build on published results. New methods and protocols should be described in detail while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. Give the name and version of any software used and make clear whether computer code used is available. Include any pre-registration codes. Result and Discussion: Provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results, their interpretation as well as the experimental conclusions that can be drawn. Authors should discuss the results and how they can be interpreted in perspective of previous studies and of the working hypotheses. The findings and their implications should be discussed in the broadest context possible and limitations of the work highlighted. Conclusions: The 'conclusions' are a key component of the paper. It should complement the 'abstract' and is normally used by experts to value the paper's engineering content. A conclusion is not merely a summary of the main topics covered or a re-statement of your research problem, but a synthesis of key points and, if applicable, where you recommend new areas for future research.
3.5. Back Page
Acknowledgment: In this section you can acknowledge any support given which is not covered by the author contribution or funding sections. Funding: List funding sources. As this section contains important information and many funding bodies require inclusion of grant numbers here, please check carefully that manuscript details are accurate and use standard spelling of funding agency names at https://search.crossref.org/funding, as errors may affect your future funding. Conflict of Interest: This section is required for all papers. If there are no interests to declare, please use the following wording: “The authors declare no conflicts of interest statement” or “The author declares no conflicts of interests”. Author Contributions: For research articles with several authors, a short paragraph specifying their individual contributions must be provided. The following statements should be used "Conceptualization, X.X. and Y.Y.; Methodology, X.X.; Software, X.X.; Validation, X.X., Y.Y. and Z.Z.; Formal Analysis, X.X.; Investigation, X.X.; Resources, X.X.; Data Curation, X.X.; Writing – Original Draft Preparation, X.X.; Writing – Review & Editing, X.X.; Visualization, X.X.; Supervision, X.X.; Project Administration, X.X.; Funding Acquisition, Y.Y.”, please turn to the CRediT taxonomy for the term explanation. References: References must be numbered in order of appearance in the text (including table captions and figure legends) and listed individually at the end of the manuscript. We recommend preparing the references with a bibliography software package, such as EndNote to avoid typing mistakes and duplicated references. Author Biography: the author’s educational background should be listed. The degrees should be described with type of degree in what field, which institution, city, state or country, and year degree was earned. The author’s major field of study should be lower-cased.