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Adoption of E-Learning Technology for Anti- Money Laundering Training

Alya H. Al-Hammadi, Rana E. Ahmed, and Imran Zualkernan
College of Engineering, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Abstract—E-learning technologies provide an ideal platform for corporate-wide compliance training for employees. This paper contributes in developing a complete model for studying diffusion of e-learning for anti-money laundering (AML) training in the banking workplace. We include factors from multiple perspectives, apply the model for AML training in United Arab Emirates (UAE) banks, and formulate its characteristics. Results indicate that only two factors, Complexity and E-learning Readiness, affect the use of e-learning for AML training in UAE banks workplace. The results suggest that both local and multinational banks in the UAE are at fairly early stages of e- Learning adoption for training in workplace.

Index Terms—E-learning, E-learning in AML Training, Elearning Readiness, Workplace learning, E-learning Adoption

Cite: Alya H. Al-Hammadi, Rana E. Ahmed, and Imran Zualkernan, "Adoption of E-Learning Technology for Anti- Money Laundering Training," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 73-83, May, 2010.doi:10.4304/jait.1.2.73-83