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AVTMT - The Effect of Multimodal Patterns on Human Memory

Muhammad Tahir1, Saleh M. Alshomrani1, Abdullah S. Alghamdi1, Amina Siddiqua2, Maryam Ahmed 2, Muzafar Khan2, Tahir Mustafa Madni2, and Rizwana Irfan2
1. Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA
2. Department of Computer Science, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract—This paper presents a computer game which consists of multiple tiles at three different levels. When users click on each tile, it flips or un-flips. Each tile, upon flipping, reveals a different patterns e.g. audio, image or text. The system matches those patterns. If two flipped tiles have same pattern, they disappear otherwise they un-flip. This research work 1) examines the effects of audio, visual and text patterns on sighted, deaf, and blind users 2) analyzes the working of human’s memory depending upon the appearance of audio, visual and text patterns and 3) calculates the performance of each user based on the number of previous interactions made with the game. The total number of clicks and the time taken to finish the game was recorded. The results of the four experiments indicate that different types of users behave differently when presented with specific type of information (audio, visual and text).

Index Terms— Human Computer Interaction (HCI), short term memory, spatial memory, performance

Cite: Muhammad Tahir, Saleh M. Alshomrani, Abdullah S. Alghamdi, Amina Siddiqua, Maryam Ahmed, Muzafar Khan, Tahir Mustafa Madni, and Rizwana Irfan, "AVTMT - The Effect of Multimodal Patterns on Human Memory," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 123-128, August, 2013.doi:10.4304/jait.4.3.123-128