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Melbourne Metro Rail’s ITS: Cyclic Functions Assessment

Koorosh Gharehbaghi, Ken Farnes, and David Paterno
Property Construction & Project Management, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Abstract—This research will utilize cyclic functions assessment theory to review the Melbourne Metro Rail's Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). In doing so, the Melbourne Metro Rail's ITS functionality, simulation and development will be studied. The functionality, simulation and development of this mega rail transportation infrastructure is one of its most difficult and complex tasks. Since Melbourne Metro Rail has a high public service expectation, assessing its on-going system performance is essential. This paper found that explicit systemic KPIs needed to be developed. These KPIs were then carefully compared to ensure alignment with the Melbourne Metro Rail's ITS requirements. These KPIs have a thorough association with the said network's ITS and subsequent functionalities. Applying cyclic functions formula specific functionality were further simulated and developed. Although this process was brief, it indicated intriguing aspects of developed KPIs in setting measures for functionality simulation and development. This method can further assist the rail stakeholders, including academics and professionals to develop a better strategy when planning for system enhancements of mega rail transportation infrastructure.
Index Terms—cyclic functions assessment, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Melbourne Metro rail

Cite: Koorosh Gharehbaghi, Ken Farnes, and David Paterno, "Melbourne Metro Rail’s ITS: Cyclic Functions Assessment," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 166-171, August 2020. doi: 10.12720/jait.11.3.166-171

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