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Identifying Specialized Vocabulary in Thai Food Menus Using Computer-Based Approach

Piyada Low
Faculty of Management Sciences, Kasetsart University, Thailand

Abstract—The primary aim of this study is to identify a specialized vocabulary in Thai food menus using a computer based approach. The study started from searching for Thai restaurant menus available online and downloading the menus from the webpages. The downloaded food menu items were changed into the plain text format (.txt) files and saved as the corpus for the study. The corpus analysis was performed with a lexical analysis software program, Lexical Tutor (Vocabulary Profile) which is an online tool. Corpus counting and word frequency lists were performed and presented in four vocabulary levels: high frequency words or the General Service List (GSL) with K1 (1-1000 word families) and K2 (1001-2000 word families) levels; the 570-word Academic Word List (AWL); and off-list words or specialized vocabulary. The results showed 55.27% of GWL (K1+K2), 0.89% of AWL, and 43.83% of off-list words which indicated the specialized vocabulary of the food menu corpus.
Index Terms—computer-based approach, corpus, specialized vocabulary, Thai food menus

Cite: Piyada Low, "Identifying Specialized Vocabulary in Thai Food Menus Using Computer-Based Approach," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 91-94, August 2019. doi: 10.12720/jait.10.3.91-94