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Factors That Influence Mobile Bully-Victim Behaviour on Social Media: The Case of Facebook

Ndyave Zizipho Caroline and Kyobe Michael
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Information Systems Department, South Africa

Abstract—Mobile bullying on social networks is a growing problem in South African high schools. Mobile technology is widely used than conventional methods to commit antisocial behaviours today, and our understanding of mobile bullying is still limited. While studies on bullying in general have been conducted, there has been limited focus on one type called bully-victims. The present study examines the factors that influence the behaviour of mobile bully-victims on Facebook in South Africa. Bully-victims are adolescents that swing between being a bully and a victim and are difficult to identify. Research shows that there is rapid growth in suicidal cases which is one of the leading causes of death among adolescents in South Africa. While suicide has not been associated with bully-victims in South Africa, international studies link adolescent suicidal tendencies with bully-victim behaviour. We chose Facebook because it is the most popular and commonly used social network by adolescents. Extensive literature on the potential causes of mobile bully-victim behaviour was reviewed and a conceptual model of the influencing factors developed. This model will assist schools understand the potential causes of bully-victim behaviour and guide the development of appropriate interventions for this form of aggression.

Index Terms—mobile bully-victims, behaviour, facebook, social networks, influencing factors

Cite: Ndyave Zizipho Caroline and Kyobe Michael, "Factors That Influence Mobile Bully-Victim Behaviour on Social Media: The Case of Facebook," Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 230-233, November, 2017. doi: 10.12720/jait.8.4.230-233