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An Intelligent Water Droplet-based Evaluation of Health Oriented Distance Learning

Koffka Khan1, Zulaika Ali2, Nisa Philip2, Gail Deane2, and Ashok Sahai2
1. The University of the West Indies, Department of Computing and Information Technology, St. Augustine Campus @ TRINIDAD
2. The University of the West Indies, School of Medicine and Dentistry, St. Augustine Campus @ TRINIDAD

Abstract— An intelligent water droplet-based evaluation of health oriented distance learning of health oriented distance learning (HODL) systems integrating e-learning, e-health and usability aspects of Personal Health Record (PHR) systems is proposed. It supports HODL information processing towards a more comprehensive goal. For measuring HODL usability a checklist is used. Usability dimensions and checklist items are selected using an intelligent water droplet-based computational intelligence model. The main advantage of the methodology is the selection of most critical usability dimensions and items and thus supporting user-oriented design of HODL systems.

Index Terms— health, e-learning, e-health, usability, information systems, evaluation and design, intelligent water droplets

Cite: Koffka Khan, Zulaika Ali, Nisa Philip, Gail Deane, and Ashok Sahai, "An Intelligent Water Droplet-based Evaluation of Health Oriented Distance Learning," Journal of Advances in Information Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 91-100, May, 2013.doi:10.4304/jait.4.2.91-100